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Rika's Favourite Speaking Topics

Workplace Gossip

The Damaging Effects of Workplace Gossip on Organisations and Individuals

Workplace gossip is not just harmless banter. It holds long-term negative consequences for organisations and individuals.

Eradicating Workplace Gossip

The steps leaders need to take to eradicate workplace gossip and create a cohesive team.

Conflict Resolution

Reasons Conflict Occur and How to Resolve Conflict

In this keynote, you and your team will understand why conflict occurs and how to resolve it quickly. Better yet… why not get your team to solve their own conflicts using the strategies shared during this training?

Team Dynamics

The 5 Phases Every Team Will Navigate (Without Fail)

Have you ever wondered why certain teams seamlessly work together, have minimal to no conflict and just seem to get the job done? Whilst other teams bicker, experience constant conflict and experience a lack of productivity? In this keynote, we’ll discuss the exact reason why this occurs and the 5 phases that every team navigate (The Tuckman model). 



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Perth, Australia