Free Organisational Gap Analysis

Is your organisation providing a psychologically safe environment? Find out now!


Trust Erosion

Gossip undermines the foundation of trust, which is critical for effective teamwork and leadership.

Mental Health Impact

It contributes to stress, anxiety, and diminished mental health among employees, leading to low self-worth and self-confidence.

Financial Consequences

Gossip will lead to high staff turnover and lost productivity because gossip can bleed resources. Instead of working, your team is gossiping. Continuous training of new staff because of high staff turnover and continuous recruitment costs will ultimately affect the bottom line. 

Reputational Damage

Gossip can tarnish your organisation’s external and internal reputation, affecting future talent acquisition and client trust.

Cultural Degradation

It transforms healthy workplace environments into zones of conflict and low morale.

Ignoring gossip is no longer an option!

Leaders can no longer afford to dismiss gossip as harmless banter. In today’s interconnected and transparent world, the ripple effects of negative talk can quickly become tsunamis, washing away the pillars of trust and respect that uphold organisational success. Recognising and addressing gossip head-on is not just about damage control; it’s about fostering a culture where every team member feels valued, heard, and motivated.

Does your Organisation Have a Gossip Problem?

About Rika Whelan

Workplace gossip strategist

Rika Whelan is a seasoned teacher and trainer with 20 years of experience in the Education Sector. Rika has spent the last 10 years in various leadership roles and has experienced the detrimental effects of workplace gossip first-hand.

Having successfully eradicated workplace gossip and cultivated a culture where employees feel safe, heard, and respected, she noticed increased employee productivity and commitment to the organisation. Employees became more loyal and ‘wanted’ to come to work each day. The working environment became fun and people seemed to enjoy coming to work.

Rika is passionate about helping other leaders eradicate workplace gossip, so they too, can experience the bliss of having a gossip-free working environment in which employees and leaders thrive.  



(+61) 456 102 694



Perth, Australia